A New Deal That Is Green
By Richard Cummings

For those who have political interests, the Green New Deal has come up in conversation. What really is this new deal and why so much controversy. Basically, it's a plan sponsored by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).[1]. If I were to explain it from what I have heard, it's a plan designed to save the earth. If you listen to certain news channels, you may convince yourself it's a plan which wants to get rid of "cow poop", airplanes, cars and pay everyone money whether they work or not. However, if you sincerely want to know what it actually is, read on.
For those of us who may be Baby Boomers, you remember the "New Deal" was which President Roosevelt initiated. After he became president in 1933, he worked to quickly address the suffering of Americans during the Great Depression. He did this by implementing many experimental programs designed to "restore the dignity " of poor families.[2] This program did more than carry out programs to help the poor, it "fundamentally and permanently changed the federal government’s relationship to U.S. citizens by increasing trust."[3].
During the 1930s Depression era, most Americans were described to be unusually more optimistic and were suffering more hardships comparatively.[4]. Another fact is they considered themselves too far from "Socialists" (only 2%). Polls taken at the beginning of the following election surveyed believed they supported Roosevelt over his 1936 opponent, Landon by more than 2-1, knowing his programs worked. One program in particular, Social Security, "was similar compared to the philosophies of Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler"[4].
Some countries are pure Socialism or fall between Capitalism and Socialism, such as Norway and Sweden, and are called mixed systems: "providers of goods and services enjoy private ownership of resources, while citizens take advantage of social-needs-oriented public services.". If the United States did not have the Social Security system, it would be considered laissez-faire capitalism, or pure capitalism.[6].
"laissez-faire economists argue that there is no need for business and industrial affairs to be complicated by government intervention. As a result, they oppose any sort of federal involvement in the economy, which includes any type of legislation or oversight; they are against minimum wages, duties, trade restrictions, and corporate taxes. In fact, laissez-faire economists see such taxes as a penalty for production." [7]
While the above definition of Capitalism is "pure", the United States should also be considered a mixed system. Sorry to disappoint the Republicans who call the Green New Deal an evil socialist program, it's too late, especially if you are receiving Social Security payments. The Green New Deal is designed to do the same thing for Americans as Roosevelts New Deal programs by helping us to survive on this earth. Regrettably, the word socialism may turn voters to the "virtuous" other side. This is not exactly a battle between good and evil as depicted in some movies. Instead, it is about having an open mind. Democrats would be wise learning from President Roosevelt's campaign by not using the word socialism too often. The Republicans would benefit by allowing themsleves time to consider the benefits of the Green New Deal.

1. Wikipedia. "Green New Deal". Retrieved 2019., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_New_Deal.
2.Green Party US. The Green New Deal". Retrieved 2019., https://www.gp.org/green_new_deal.
3.History. "New Deal"., Retrieved 2019. https://www.history.com/topics/great-depression/new-deal
4.Pew Research Center. "How a Different America Responded to the Great Depression." Allen,2010. https://www.pewresearch.org/2010/12/14/how-a-different-america-responded-to-the-great-depression/
5. The Future Of Freedom Foundation. " The Socialism and Fascism of the New Deal". Hornberger, 2009. https://www.fff.org/2009/01/14/socialism-fascism-deal/
6. Investopedia. "Are Social Security Benefits a Form of Socialism?" Fontenella, 2018. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/retirement/122916/are-social-security-benefits-form-socialism.asp.
7. Investopedia. "Laissez-Faire". Kenton, 2018. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/laissezfaire.asp

The New Green Deal

The New Green Deal
